Al-Fajr Azan Clocks

Al-Fajr Azan Clocks

Al Fajr Azan Clock is the most famous and highest quality of the azan clocks in the world. Alfajr Azan clock come in different styles, colours and functions. Al-Fajr Islamic Azan Clocks come in desk top and wall mounted and most likely as universal for desk and hange on the wall, some models come with five different azan voices and some models are working by electric as another option with the batteries. Al-Fajr clocks come with two years warranty for manufacture fault, so you can buy with confidence.

  • AL Fajr Azan Table Clock CS-03

    AL Fajr Azan Table Clock CS-03

    AL Fajr Azan Table Clock CS-03

    ALFAJR Azan Table Clock CS-03  Deluxe desk Azan clock of high quality construction. Wide viewing angle LCD LED…
  • Al Fajr Wall Round Clock CR-23

    Al Fajr Wall Round Clock CR-23

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  • Al Fajr Wall Round Clock CR-23B Black

    Al Fajr Wall Round Clock CR-23B Black

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  • Al-Fajr Azan Table Clock CT-11

    Al-Fajr Azan Table Clock CT-11

    Al-Fajr Azan Table Clock CT-11

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  • Al-Fajr Azan Wall Clock CW-15 New Model

    Al-Fajr Azan Wall Clock CW-15 New Model

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        ALFAJR Azan Wall Clock Model CW-15 New Model - Five different Azan voices  - Wide viewing angle LCD…
  • Al-Fajr Desk / Wall Clock CF-19

    Al-Fajr Desk / Wall Clock CF-19

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    Desk and Wall clock with large LCD screen, can be connected to external speakers. Features: Worldwide Prayer ti…
  • Al-Fajr Desk / Wall Clock CF-19B

    Al-Fajr Desk / Wall Clock CF-19B

    Al-Fajr Desk / Wall Clock CF-19B

    Desk and Wall clock with large LCD screen, can be connected to external speakers. Features: Worldwide Prayer ti…
  • Al-Fajr Jumbo Wall Clock CJ-17

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    Al-Fajr Jumbo Wall Clock CJ-17

    Al-Fajr Jumbo Wall Clock Model CJ-17 -15" Wide viewing angle LCD -Five High quality Azan sounds (Makkah, Madinah,…
  • Al-Fajr Jumbo Wall Clock CJ-17B Black

    Al-Fajr Jumbo Wall Clock CJ-17B Black

    Al-Fajr Jumbo Wall Clock CJ-17B Black

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